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Bitcoin Press Release: Ligercoin has announced a groundbreaking combination by bringing together two Giants: The established Gaming Community and revolutionary blockchain technology.
May 22nd, 2018. St. Juliens, Malta. The cryptocurrency world has seen a rollercoaster ride in the past year. This included Crypto Exchange crashes, Bitcoin rises and slumps, wallet hacks and what not. Though the market cap as a whole has been increasing over the years, Bitcoin’s exclusive dominance to the % of Market cap is getting reduced by the new revolutionary cryptocurrencies.
About 303 token sales have taken place this year already, which surpasses the 210 token sale count of 2017. Only 48% of these have been successful. All this has obviously made it crucial for the market to have a more stable backdrop. This market opportunity was seen and has been successfully met with a revolutionary new cryptocurrency known as Ligercoin.
What is Ligercoin
Ligercoin is a cryptocurrency that is based on the Ethereum blockchain and is powered by Smart Contracts. It helps users to gamble safely in both offline and online Casino and Fantasy League platforms, and Live Betting Websites.
The Current Market Scenario
Ligercoin aims to disrupt the market of Offline and Online Casinos, Fantasy Sports Portals, and Live Betting Websites. This places Ligercoin in a big industry that is continuously growing.
The Offline Casino market is evaluated at approximately $240 Billion with about 7000+ Casinos around the world. This is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.8%. On the other hand, the Online Casino marketplace is considered to reach a potential of $100 Billion in the coming 5 years with a CAGR…