Cleyond (CYO): Token Sale
Source: Upcoming ICOs and Crowdsales, Ratings and Reviews of Top ICOs
Cleyond (CYO) Token Sale
This token will help the team at Cleyond AG spread their technology globally and do the necessary research to create more use cases.
Use A: Make licensing available globally
“How can we make sure that this important innovation can contribute globally within the shortest amount of time possible?” We think it is not by building plants of our own in other continents, but rather by enabling engineers there to use our technology. A CLEAN LOOP license will allow and enable to set up a high-quality recycling plant wherever in the world it is needed to reduce the waste of waste. Our engineers will help the teams on-site to make it work.
Use B: Develop even more use cases
At the very moment, CLEAN LOOP can be used on a special kind of plastic...
Tutellus (TUT) Gets Beyond Halfway There: ICO
Tutellus, the largest educational platform in the Spanish-speaking world, and a decentralized and tokenized educational platform at that, is in the midst of its ICO. It’s looking for $40 million and has this far raised roughly $22 million.
The ICO token price is one nickel (US$0.05) per TUT.
Tutellus has a fascinating approach. The best students may study for free and, in fact, may earn money through tokens. Students who finish a course get “smart TUT” (STUT) tokens based on the value of their submissions of projects and related works, their participation in evaluations of other students, their participation in tutorials with other students, etc. STUT tokens themselves will not be directly tradeable outside the Tutellus system, but up to half of them may be converted to TUT, which in turn will be tradeable into other cryptos or fiat currencies.
Employers are also brought into the system, which is designed to help them “find the perfect fit for a position or contract,” as the TUT white paper says. Employers may buy access to the profiles of students by buying TUTs, in the process, they’ll help fund the whole ecosystem.
Museums Chain Decentralized Museum Ecosystem: Token Sale
Source: Upcoming ICOs and Crowdsales, Ratings and Reviews of Top ICOs
MSM tokens are based on the Ethereum platform and are ERC20 compliant.70,000,000 total tokens will be generated. No additional tokens will be created. Unsold tokens will be burned. MSM Tokens will be fully transferable, exchangeable and will be listed on exchanges. The only trusted source of information related to MSM Token Sale will be the official website ( The Pre-sale price is $0,15 per token. But during the ICO, MSM token is available at a price of $0.20 USD per coin. There is a 40% bonus period on all purchases for the first 7 days of the pre-sale round. Purchases during the next 7 days of the pre-sale receive a 30% bonus.The minimum investment for the token sale is $50. 71.4% of MSM Tokens (49,980,000) will be available for purchase during the Token Sale. Exchange rate: 1 ETH = 3,000 Museums Chain Tokens (MSM) -this may change with ETH exchange rates. Museums...
MADANA Data Privacy Management: Token Sake
Source: Upcoming ICOs and Crowdsales, Ratings and Reviews of Top ICOs
MADANA stands for an open platform for data analysis, preserving privacy by design. The blockchain-based ecosystem allows anyone to stay in control of their data while monetizing it in an anonymous way. MADANA aims to provide a GDPR compliant way for data processing, enabling new business models for future Apps and Services. German ICO with approval from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority. MADANA proposes a new data market ecosystem run on multiple smart contracts based on blockchain technology that allows data producers,...
Kheper Tokenizing the Gambling Industry: Token Sale
Source: Upcoming ICOs and Crowdsales, Ratings and Reviews of Top ICOs

We are a blockchain software company based in Malta and we are collaborating with established companies with more than 20 years of experience in the gambling industry.Together they are doing 100’s of millions of dollars in yearly revenue.A common issue with gambling in crypto is the high barrier of entry.Together with our partners, we are lowering the barrier of entry for regular players to play within the cryptocurrency world and introducing a new form of excitement in the gambling industry.
Kheper Token (KHP) is an Ethereum ERC20 token
Token price: 1 KHP = 0.01 USD
Accepted: ETH, BTC, LTC, Fiat
Customers must comply with KYC and AML...
Nuclus Money (NLM) Pre-ICO
Source: Upcoming ICOs and Crowdsales, Ratings and Reviews of Top ICOs
The combination of mobile ubiquity and blockchain is unlocking opportunity for prosperity like never before. The Nuclus Platform will be the #1 marketplace for international order fulfillment from Sub-Saharan Africa serving new buyers and realization of commercial goals and objectives of related development programs. The introduction of a digital token Nuclum (NLM) we will stimulate trade between BRICS country and inter-continental African participants as it has no residual effects or distortions i.e. inflation and the transaction is totally completed at the point and time of exchange. We introduce a new economic philosophy to ensure sustainability and to advance equitable opportunities for economic participants during economic growth with benefits incurred by every section of society. Our softcap aim is 2,500 ETH and hardcap 22,000 ETH accepting ETH, BTC and USD.In summary, we have selected the Ethereum Open Source Platform as we believe we can achieve both our commercial and technical targets. We are aware of developments of competing blockchains solving existing scale problems and will monitor evolution as and when they occur.
• 2012 Proof of Concept Online Billing and Collections
• 2014 Minimal Viable Product Billsource® v1.0 MVP
• 2016 Quote to Cash Billsource® v2.0 Q2C
• 2017-’18 Blockchain Disruptive Platforms
• Q3 2018...
Matic Network Instant Blockchain Transactions: Token Sale
Scalable and instant blockchain transactions. Matic Network brings massive scale to Ethereum using DPoS side chains.
Source: ICO Drops

Matic is a solid idea and one of the few plasma implementation side chain projects that exist today.
1) The project has already been endorsed by Decentraland with the Decentraland CTO Esteban Ordano one of the advisors on Matic panel.
2) They have already partnered with Parsec Labs which won the Ethereum Foundation Scaling Grant. Goes to show that the Matic and Parsec teams are moving on the right track to...
Zero Carbon Project Token Review
Source: ICORanker
The Zero Carbon Project has 2 parts:
1. deliver energy at a lower price than existing renewable and fossil fuel energy contracts; and
2. to entice people to use the Zero Carbon Project, provide a blockchain-driven incentive scheme to reward consumers for engaging with the Zero Carbon Project and encourage consumer action.
The first part of our solution consists of a competitive ‘Zero Carbon Market’ which provides consumers access to cheaper energy contracts where the carbon emissions have been offset by international carbon credits. Secondly, our blockchain economy is based...
Eurocoinpay ICO Review
Source: ICORanker
The purpose of Eurocoinpay is, for the first time, to serve our society, a technological tool that allows them, with total freedom, to decide with what currency to pay for the products and services that are contracted.The Eurocoinpay ecosystem has been conceived to offer an integral service for the user of the cryptographic world. Far beyond a simple cryptocurrency, a payment application, an exchange or a speculative token, it is a powerful project that unites everything that the investor in cryptographic currencies has been waiting for.
● Payment application for iOS & Android
● EurocoinBroker: Exchange & Wallet
● EurocoinToken: Currency exchange with usability
● EurocoinCash: Shelter currency whose value is 1 ECH = € 1
● VISA Eurocoinpay:
To use wallet balances and make payments at any place or ATM in the worldFor the first time all this will be possible thanks to Eurocoinpay and customers will be able...
Token Review: Curaizon's Healthcare Ecosystem Improves Drug Adherence
Curaizon is developing technologies to address the largest area of waste in the global healthcare system.
They say that necessity is the mother of all inventions. This is especially evident when you look at what Curaizon are doing in the world of drug adherence. Curaizon has been around since 2015 and they have been developing drug-adherence technologies to combat what has become the largest area of waste in healthcare today. Patients not taking their drugs cost the worlds health services more than $700 Billion in avoidable waste every year. With more than half of all adults now on some kind of long-term medication, it is imperative that they take their medicines as prescribed. The problem is that only half of us take our medications in this way, which leads to...