BlockEstate real estate security token: STO Analysis
Author: VlaSem / Source: Hacked: Hacking Finance

BlockEstate is planning to launch its very own security token offering (STO). According to the official whitepaper, the idea behind the project is pretty simple:

Proceeds from the STO will form a fund that can then be used to purchase promising real estate in U.S. (North and South Carolina) with profits from the leasing or resale of the real estate being used to buy out and eventually burn the native token, a.k.a. BEAT. This method will increase the cost of the tokens over time. The remaining profit goes to the acquisition of new real estate and the cycle continues.

The investment will be of two types: long-term and stable assets which are expected to get a 6-9% per annum and high-yielding but risky assets with an expected yield of 15-30% per annum.
The investment scheme is further described in the whitepaper. In particular:

Thanks to its partnership with Polymath, which is responsible for the release of the BEAT security token, the underlying asset will be built according to the ST-20 standard on the Ethereum blockchain. The total number of tokens offered for sale is 100 million but the team has the right to issue an additional 10% for its members in the case of a full collection of caps and an increase in the fund’s estimate of at least 25%. This tokens will serve as a form of performance fee with the BlockEstate team. Team tokens are locked for five years.
In terms of the distribution of proceeds from the STO, the main part (93-99%) in the first year will go to direct investment in long-term real estate projects as described in the scheme above; 0.5% per quarter for operating expenses; and 1-7% of the fund’s value will be held in dollars as a reserve.
Profit Sharing...
Verified ICO Review: (TEMCO) Token Sale & Blockchain Platform
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) do not have sufficient infrastructure or financial flexibility to offer supply chain management data to their customers. On the other hand, customers want more information about their orders more than ever. In the existing system, they only have access to basic shipping logs and estimations.
Using blockchain and smart contracts, the Transportation Enterprise Merchandise Customer Organization (TEMCO) Project will revolutionize supply chain management through innovative technology.
Our project will provide greater transparency and reliability across the entire supply chain process to deliver trustworthy information that empowers businesses and consumers.
Temco Labs Facebook | Twitter | Reddit | Medium
Source: ICO Ranker
- Increases consumer trust from transparency & reliability across entire supply chain process
- Improves efficiency for businesses through streamlining supply chain
- Reduces cost for SMEs introducing management infrastructure & data analytics
Temco (TEMCO) is a supply chain management solution on RSK’s Bitcoin-based blockchain that allows businesses and consumers to segregate portions of the supply chain and access accurate data in real time, resulting in greater trust and transparency, as well as improved efficiency.
Holds everyone in the supply chain process accountable
The current supply chain infrastructure is broken, which regularly results in serious hazards for consumers, for instance, the possibility of illness and death as a result of improperly stored or handled food or medicinal products. There is a lot of pressure on supply chain managers to address concerns around these issues, but the system fails because there’s no suitable method in place for monitoring pre-delivery stages, and SMEs frequently don’t have the resources to implement them.
Temco proposes a three-part business model:
- Develop blockchain-based supply chain network
- Develop big data analytics tool and launch Temco market
- Provide big data analytics service and data
Need for consumer trust & SME infrastructure dictates Temco’s market potential
Every time there is an outbreak of foodborne illness, consumer trust in companies wanes, which can have damaging longterm repercussions. Temco’s team points to the 2017 pesticide-contaminated egg crisis as a recent example. The government...
IOTW's ICO Analysis and 15 billion IoT devices in the world
Author: Joshua Larson / Source: Hacked: Hacking Finance

There are already over 15 billion IoT devices in the world. These devices carry lots of data usage statistics that could be very valuable to the right companies. The problem until recently is that it’s almost impossible to collect all of this valuable data in an organized way. But now the experienced team at IOTW has invented a way to easily connect any IoT device to their blockchain. Once connected, the IoT device becomes a node and mines IOTW tokens as a reward to the device users. The usage data is then collected and sold to companies in exchange for IOTW tokens.
Based in Hong Kong, IOTW is a product of the groundbreaking Blockchain company, AnApp Blockchain Technologies Ltd. The IOTW blockchain software will operate an open-SDK, allowing any device to load the blockchain app and gain access to the IOTW blockchain ecosystem.
In order to incentivize users to connect their IoT devices/appliances to their blockchain, the hard working team has developed 2 unique new protocols; “Micro Mining” and “Proof of Assignment.” Together, these protocols allow every household to join the mining community without restrictions. Each device they connect will become a node, and each node will have the same chance of being selected to mine as all the other nodes in the network. No whale power on this chain.
How it works:
- Download their software through firmware upgrades to connect any device to the IOTW Ecosystem.
- Start mining with very little power consumption.
- Redeem rewards. “IoT device owners will be rewarded with IOTW coins which the devices can use to call up services or spare parts. The owners can also use the IOTW coins to buy goods, services and media content in open markets.”
- Sell your data for more IOTW tokens. “IOTW blockchain will collect big data. Allowing global, city-wide, and district-wide energy saving optimization.”
Here’s a 7-minute video we were linked to by their Telegram mod. It does a great jump of explaining why IOTW is such an exciting project. The video has already received an impressive 56,000 views, and is worth checking out.
In addition, IOTW plans to allow for the development of decentralized applications on IoT devices. And they will establish a decentralized purchase network for IOTW holders to bypass the middlemen and purchase directly from device makers and service providers.
Also, the team invented a Digital Power System chipset (“DPS chipset”) that replaces traditional analog power systems in small appliances with digital power systems. From the company:
“We believe the DPS chipset will be able to see adoption by a certain number of device manufacturers for saving costs while increasing device functionality. We have already filed a patent for the DPS chipset design. We plan to file a few more patents for this new product.”
IOTW will have the following utility:
- Device users receive IOTW token as rewards for mining, as well as for selling their usage data.
- Device makers, research institutes, government agencies, and other organizations can purchase usage data with IOTW.
- Goods and services providers will sell through the online mall accepting IOTW as a payment method.
- A percentage of IOTW will be taken as a processing fee for each transaction.
The Proof of Assignment protocol requires way less power for mining than Proof of Work....
Rateonium Blockchain CRM: ICO
Source: Upcoming ICOs and Crowdsales, Ratings and Reviews of Top ICOs
Elevator pitch Rateonium is using blockchain technology to create new horizons for the management of customer-company relationships. The platform connects products and services purchased with a subsequent customer review process.
Problem: Customer reviews of products and services are responsible for the long-term success of a company. New leads rely on customer opinions, not on corporate communication.
•75% of consumers only make a purchase decision after reading the reviews
•40% of consumers distrust offers with no customer ratings
•20% of consumers believe that most ratings are falsified
•2% of customers write reviews Too few customers write...
TAP Coin: Decentralized blockchain-based advertising #TokenSale

The new world of blockchain-based advertising will create a major shift at the cross-section of advertising and the internet.
HOOCH, the number top drink-a-day app that has changed the game for bargoers from New York to Hong Kong with their free drink app, is about to shake up the hospitality industry again. Not basking for long in the success of their recently-released lifestyle experience program, HOOCH Black, this next development is also set to be a surefire success.
Their new project, TAP Coin, is due to be launched soon and it’s an innovative product, to say the least. TAP Coin is more than just HOOCH. While HOOCH Black has 100,000 hotels on the platform, with discounts of up to 60% off Expedia and rates, TAP Coin will feature more than just this. HOOCH will be the first — and only one of dozens of apps on the TAP decentralized ad network. This means that while HOOCH currently has 200,000 subscribers, other apps will have tens of millions on the network. But there’s more- the advertising potential is phenomenal with a platform like TAP Coin. Due to its decentralized nature, the network is magnitudes more efficient than advertising on a centralized platform like Facebook, Instagram or Google AdWords.
Millions of users, hundreds of thousands of venues, massive discounts and a radically new advertising model, all based on blockchain - TAP Coin is the next household name app.
Not only does TAP Coin offer major discounts on hotels, drinks and entertainment experiences, it also uses the power of blockchain to empower consumers with their own data. This means that users now have the choice to allow advertisers to collect their data or not. If users allow their data to be used by advertisers, then they are rewarded with TAP, which they can then redeem on hotels and experiences (at already discounted prices).
In this way, TAP becomes a defacto loyalty currency, which does not discriminate according to origin of the loyalty points. It solves the old...
genEOS Next- Gen Blockchain Technology: Token Sale
Source: Upcoming ICOs and Crowdsales, Ratings and Reviews of Top ICOs
genEOS Token Sale
genEOS is a next-gen technology project aimed at addressing blockchain adoption obstacles faced by the business community.
Providing its participants with an operating system-like environment, it allows for building and running decentralized applications (Dapps) at enterprise scalability, interoperability, and performance. Unconsumed bandwidth can be delegated to others who will pay the rent.
There are also strong dev and technical teams ready to develop, launch, and maintain business-critical Dapps on the platform that rivals traditional web apps for speed, versatility, and ease of use.
Key ecosystem features:
- Decentralized consensus algorithm capable of meeting enterprise-grade performance requirements.
- Higher transaction...
EveryCoin Financial Platform (EYC): #ICO Pre-Sale
Source: Upcoming ICOs and Crowdsales, Ratings and Reviews of Top ICOs
EveryCoin (EYC) Pre-Sale
The Aaron EveryCoin Platform is a new financial platform for people who are financially excluded from modern finance systems for a long time. We aim to spread the free financial accounts for all people around the world and make them exchange money freely.
By combining the POW agreement method with the DPOS agreement method — in which the delegated node receives contract authorization and transaction fee in contract execution — Aaron blockchain does not waste unnecessary power or time to generate blocks. And it does not need to wait for the new block to be...
Cleyond (CYO): Token Sale
Source: Upcoming ICOs and Crowdsales, Ratings and Reviews of Top ICOs
Cleyond (CYO) Token Sale
This token will help the team at Cleyond AG spread their technology globally and do the necessary research to create more use cases.
Use A: Make licensing available globally
“How can we make sure that this important innovation can contribute globally within the shortest amount of time possible?” We think it is not by building plants of our own in other continents, but rather by enabling engineers there to use our technology. A CLEAN LOOP license will allow and enable to set up a high-quality recycling plant wherever in the world it is needed to reduce the waste of waste. Our engineers will help the teams on-site to make it work.
Use B: Develop even more use cases
At the very moment, CLEAN LOOP can be used on a special kind of plastic...
Tutellus (TUT) Gets Beyond Halfway There: ICO
Tutellus, the largest educational platform in the Spanish-speaking world, and a decentralized and tokenized educational platform at that, is in the midst of its ICO. It’s looking for $40 million and has this far raised roughly $22 million.
The ICO token price is one nickel (US$0.05) per TUT.
Tutellus has a fascinating approach. The best students may study for free and, in fact, may earn money through tokens. Students who finish a course get “smart TUT” (STUT) tokens based on the value of their submissions of projects and related works, their participation in evaluations of other students, their participation in tutorials with other students, etc. STUT tokens themselves will not be directly tradeable outside the Tutellus system, but up to half of them may be converted to TUT, which in turn will be tradeable into other cryptos or fiat currencies.
Employers are also brought into the system, which is designed to help them “find the perfect fit for a position or contract,” as the TUT white paper says. Employers may buy access to the profiles of students by buying TUTs, in the process, they’ll help fund the whole ecosystem.
Kheper Tokenizing the Gambling Industry: Token Sale
Source: Upcoming ICOs and Crowdsales, Ratings and Reviews of Top ICOs

We are a blockchain software company based in Malta and we are collaborating with established companies with more than 20 years of experience in the gambling industry.Together they are doing 100’s of millions of dollars in yearly revenue.A common issue with gambling in crypto is the high barrier of entry.Together with our partners, we are lowering the barrier of entry for regular players to play within the cryptocurrency world and introducing a new form of excitement in the gambling industry.
Kheper Token (KHP) is an Ethereum ERC20 token
Token price: 1 KHP = 0.01 USD
Accepted: ETH, BTC, LTC, Fiat
Customers must comply with KYC and AML...